The laundry basket full of clean baby clothes and shoes.
Sweet potatoes baking.
Cold feet under warm covers.
My daughter's first efforts to stand on her own.
Moonshine on feathery clouds: October dusk.
Kevin's lumberjack look: flannel shirts and beard.
Are any of my blog buddies looking for something to do on a Monday? I was just telling Kevin last night how much this discipline of gratitude has already meant to me. As I've been keeping track of all the little moments of grace, joy and worship in my life, I've noticed that they linger longer. Which in itself is such a gift [#52], because in the past, joy was bittersweet and much too fleeting. The second I felt true happiness, I was already mourning the imminent loss of it. Now I say what I always should have said: Thank you, Jesus. And the joy sticks around, because I'm worshiping its Source.
I would wholeheartedly love to know about the grace and joy in the lives of others too! Take it as a challenge from me--I don't think you'll be disappointed.
moonshine on feathery clouds...
love that
Hi Meghan.
I'm Lindsey Broere---I started Run 4 Revolution with Lindy Thompson. I saw your comment on Sara's blog about wanting to run under Run 4 Revolution on October 18th. That is AWESOME! If you're interested, go to our website ( and send me an email ( with your shirt size and address. I'll be happy to try and get you a shirt (or shirtS) by then. There is also a link that tells you how to send us any donations that you collect for IJM.
I'm so happy you found us...what a blessing!
Happy running...
i have been contemplating joining in this multitude monday. i appreciate your comments at the end of this post. i could use some lasting joy and thankfulness in my life as well.
Meggie, did you take that precious laundry picture on your new camera (in other words, did you get it?!). Utterly evocative of the simple joys of early childhood... and endless work :). Thank you for sharing the every day beauty you experience. You are a gift to me.
Some of the simplest beauties in life have come from seeing the gifts in the smallest moments...our little ones trying to stand. Thank you for sharing with us.
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