Monday, October 12, 2009

1000 gifts (Blessing Permanence)

At least two people are considering making 1000 Gifts apart of their blogs, but more importantly apart of their lives! Here's more on why it's changing my life:

Just as my daughter is developing a sense of object permanence (the understanding that something or someone continues to exist even if they're not with her), I am developing "blessing permanence." God's loving gifts continue to flow in, and I don't need to grasp at or cling to them, as if they are the last taste of a good thing I will ever have.

And I've been convicted by Him that I want to choose my blessings. I want my life to look and feel a certain way (most often because I'm comparing it to someone else's). Instead of relishing the simple gifts that He lavishes on me, I am discontent and covetous. Even worse, I manhandle my life, as if I could somehow create my own blessing.

God wants me to live my life, the one He authors. It will be and is far more lovely than anything I can come up with on my own.


Another heavenly walk: crisp fall air, bright blue sky, studded with white clouds, orange trees.


Distant deer in the field.


Three gray herons together.


Rocking my sweet girl to sleep; we are both at peace.

I'm almost to 100!

holy experience


Traci Michele said...

I love your list! I am almost to 100 also! I love how gratitude changes our life, and those around us as well!

Stop by and visit Ordinary Inspirations when you have a chance. My Gratitude post for this week is "An Awful Thief".

Take care,

Unknown said...

...ah the comparing thing. It creeps up doesn't it.
You are so right...

Sara said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading more of your list as well!

Kristy said...

Sweet list. I have been writing my thanks, but not actually counting them. I probably should go back through my post and add numbers!!

Trish said...

What a great list. You have reminded me of some very sweet memories of thanks.

Thank you for sharing with us.